Levinson DAC s

Any comments on the Levinson #36 DAC? Thinking of buying one and would like a reference point. Thanks,Bob
I own a 36 and have auditioned and will probably (almost definitely) buy a Sony 9000. However, I will not use the Sony as a CD transport or CD player. For that the Levinson 36 and 37 will be used. I will caution you that the 36 is very sensitive to the transport being used. I have used it with other high quality transports, but the 37 made a significant improvement. I agree with Krocdoc--you won't be disappointed in the 36 performance.
I used the Levinson 36 for 3-4 years, with a 37 transport which I still use, and then upgraded it to the 360S. The 36 was quite fine, but the 360S was significantly better. If you get a really good price on the 36, it's a good buy beause you can always upgrade it. But don't let anyone tell you the 36 and 360S are pretty much the same--they're not.
Hi Usblues, I took the same path as Mgottlieb. The 36 has a nice balance of sonic virtues that sound just right. I made the upgrade to the 360s when they first offered it and the 360s took a great leap in performance over the 36 in ever way and kept the perfect balance without any annoying artifacts. IMO I don't think you can go wrong as I'm sure as technology evoles ML will offer future upgrades. All the best, Tom
I own a 360s and use the Sony 9000 as a transport with a
Perpetual Technologies PA-1 upsampler and Transparent Reference digital cables(coax,aes xlr)and love this combo.
The A-B comparisons between the Sony 9000 and the 360s,
put the Levinson in another level. Better layering, larger
soundstage, more body are just some of the differences between the two digital front ends. Levinson wins. Go listen
My question is how much better is the Levinson 37 as a transport over using my Sony 9000. Has anybody compared
Have any of you Levinson 360 or 360s owner ever A/B compared your DAC to a dCS? If so, what conclusions did you come to?