necessity of 24/96 w/out dvd-audio...?

what is the advantage of 24/96 if you don't have a dvd-audio player? will it make dvd's sound better? is it a software issue? could use some guidance...
upsampling can produce better sound from digital. Standard 16/44 discs (regular CD's, not DVD) can benefit from upsampling to 24/96 (or, ultimately, 24/192 w use of DCS Elgar DAC; internally in Accuphase DP-75V CD player, etc., etc.). 24/96 is not only for DVD...
True "DVD Audio" is 24/192 from my understanding. 24/96 for Audio CD is here and nothing new.
but what are the advantages to 24/96 if the material you are playing is recorded in 16/44? are standard cd's being recorded in 24/96 now? are dvd's? i don't see how upsampling can improve a recording...there's no additional sound to add, it's just digitally tinkering with the signal. how can THAT improve sound?
DKlap- E-mail DCS in the UK for a technical white paper on upsampling benefits- 'smooths out' sine wave sound curve, etc., etc. (I use the DCS Purcell upsampler, and will never go back...). Also, some of the recent Stereophile mags have interesting articles on upsampling, etc. (I think it was included on an article on the Accuphase CD player, or transport/DAC combo, comparing to the DCS gear- very interesting). 24/192 is the ultimate though!!
sutts - my receiver (denon 3300) has a 24/96 dac. my cd player is old (which is why i'm asking - will likely buy dvd changer to cover both needs). When i play cd's in direct mode - analog connection bypassing all dac's - it sounds ok. i run the receiver in stereo mode and it sounds better. is this the same upsampling concept you are speaking of? last question - is software RECORDED in 24/96 going to sound better?