DH Labs Q10 or Analysis Plus Oval 9?

Any thought on which to go with? I'm considering a single run of oval 9 (with jumpers) or using the Q10 internally bi-wired.I can't audition either one where I live. Thanks
Equipment: B&W CDM1NT
Bryston 3BST
VTL tube preamp
I have both cables now, plus the Oval 9 jumpers. I prefer the Ovals and I am considering getting another run, so the jumpers will be for sale if you are interested. I also put the Ovals on the bottom and both leads of the Q-10 on top. Actually that didn't sound bad either. For your amp and speakers, I would try the Ovals and think about upgrading your cd player...
Thanks for the input. But now we've got one vote for each. Since cables are system dependant, and I can't listen to them here, what should I do for a tie breaker?