Seperate phono stage v.s. step up transformer

Fellow analog lovers help me with this dilemma. I have a Teres 265 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm and a Lyra Helikon cartirdge. I just purchased a new preamp that has a terrific phono stage but, its' sensitivity is 2mV @47Kohms and the Lyra cartridge is only 0.22mV.
So I have 3 choices, get a new cartridge, get a seperate phono stage, or a step up transformer.
What would those of you with more experience in these things do? If it is change cartridge, which one? If seperate phono stage, which one? If a step up transformer can be used without sacrificing any detail, dynamics, etc. which one?
Thanks ahead of time to any of you that answer these questions.
Thank you for your responses. The preamp that I am refering to is the Granite Audio Model 770. Their CD player with the tube output has been the first CD player that I have owned that I can listen to with as much enjoyment as vinyl so, decided to try their pre-amp also. Before I was using a ARC LS 5III with the Phenomena + Battery pack for a phono stage. Not the best phono stage but, I got it as a package deal with a used Clearaudio turntable before the Teres.
The Granite preamp can be returned after 30 days and I could go back to the ARC but, I like the Granite better. Just have to figure out if I should change the cartridge or go with the step up.
Yeah, go with the TX103 from Buy the kit version and save. Best trannies on the market today. I use them with my Trumpet.

I have gone through something quite similar recently with a built in phono stage in my nuvista and scoured all over for information. I got a large amount of input from people here and on aa. I believe everything people have said thus far is more than reasonable. The input I had was that bent audio make great stuff. For a simpleton like me I understand it that transformers will allow you to boost the signal and are a very economical way to go. If you don't care for the improvement they are generally easy to sell. I ultimately went with a separate stage and this has had an amazing improvement on the quality of musical reproduction. Since I struggled with this for some time drop me a note if you wish to hear the sordid details. Good luck

Don't forget the Lundahl xformer based step-up from
Kevin Carter of K&K Audio.
This is *also* available in kit form for just $225! Kevin is a really nice fellow & will assemble the kit for you for under $300 total (i.e. kit + labour).
The Lundahl xformers are amorphous core & their sound characteristic is much more natural than any other xformer core metal (such as permalloy or mu-metal).
This is a serious contender against the TX102.
My friend (who owns a SP-6A) has a pair of these installed inside the preamp chassis. Results are simply excellent.