I know Doug, but I don't post here as often as in the past and coming here and finding this creep again is repugnant. He is probably best ignored, but I WILL call him to the scratching post when he goes beyond his usual attacks on products and expands his venom to people here. Few ever seem to have the balls to tell him exactly what he is for fear of expulsion, themselves. I have no such fear.
Romy - You can't now and never will be able to educate ANYONE - not because they are too primitive for YOU - but because you are totally clueless yourself and only speak negatively, about people and about products. Yes, you ridicule, and that's basically all you do, likely from a position rooted in your own inferiority complex for which you should, I suppose, be pitied. Nothing constructive, just "garbage out". Don't use what Romy uses - Romy will tell you that product is crap. Don't believe what Romy believes - Romy will tell you that you are a poor, ignorant fool.
You know, you also once again tip your hand. Isn't it amazing how your english writing skills improve ten fold when someone gets under your fur? You sir (and I use the term lightly) are a charlatan and (oh, and please let me spell it our for you)an I D I O T. You've been tossed and unwanted from AA and are most universally unwanted here. Now, GIT!
I have now spoken my last on the topic lest I overly bore the good people here with tedious bickering.
Romy - You can't now and never will be able to educate ANYONE - not because they are too primitive for YOU - but because you are totally clueless yourself and only speak negatively, about people and about products. Yes, you ridicule, and that's basically all you do, likely from a position rooted in your own inferiority complex for which you should, I suppose, be pitied. Nothing constructive, just "garbage out". Don't use what Romy uses - Romy will tell you that product is crap. Don't believe what Romy believes - Romy will tell you that you are a poor, ignorant fool.
You know, you also once again tip your hand. Isn't it amazing how your english writing skills improve ten fold when someone gets under your fur? You sir (and I use the term lightly) are a charlatan and (oh, and please let me spell it our for you)an I D I O T. You've been tossed and unwanted from AA and are most universally unwanted here. Now, GIT!
I have now spoken my last on the topic lest I overly bore the good people here with tedious bickering.