Seperate phono stage v.s. step up transformer

Fellow analog lovers help me with this dilemma. I have a Teres 265 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm and a Lyra Helikon cartirdge. I just purchased a new preamp that has a terrific phono stage but, its' sensitivity is 2mV @47Kohms and the Lyra cartridge is only 0.22mV.
So I have 3 choices, get a new cartridge, get a seperate phono stage, or a step up transformer.
What would those of you with more experience in these things do? If it is change cartridge, which one? If seperate phono stage, which one? If a step up transformer can be used without sacrificing any detail, dynamics, etc. which one?
Thanks ahead of time to any of you that answer these questions.
A high quality step-up transformer is a good way to go. Lower quality ones can interfere more with the sound. Even Kondo-san of Japan's Audio Note Ongaku fame requires a special step-up transformer with his top line cartridge. He states that it can do what no phono amplification circuit can, when dealing with very low output cartridges.

That said, I'm sure that you'll find enjoyment with the Groove you purchased. It is one of the most highly touted solid state phono sections.

Thanks for the nice word. As I mentioned, I expect to be going away for a week or so in November. If you want to borrow the BentAudio trannies and do an a/b in your system, no problem. Then you can post a real world comparison.

Agaffer, glad to see you made a decision. Enjoy! I'm picturing a 250 lb. tortoise hangin' ten with a nice pair of Sennheisers on its head. That would be some Beach Boy.
I agree the Musicdoc. I do not write much here but it is always when I need to ask a question. People here have helped me and are almost always friendly. The 4yanks person is right I think. There is no excuse for telling people they are wrong without saying why. I still can’t believe that someone had the nerve to tell someone that they did not even know how to ask a question. People like that should be taken off the site. I wish I could help Agaffer but it looks to me like he got some good answers.