cd spray tweaks?

Mapleshade records has a spray that is supposed to make cd's sound better. Does anyone know or tried this?mapleshade absolutely raves about every product they have. Makes me suspicious.
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I have bought their brass weights for my components ( Rowland, Wadia ) and I think I heard a sonic difference. I have also purchased their CD Mikro-Smooth Kit and I think it works. I hope that I'm not destroying my dics with it ! I would appreciate any feed back on these products.
The great thing about stuff like this is, if you think it will work, then it probably will. And if you don't think it will work but try it anyway, it still might work. It doesn't, really, but who cares? It's only money.
Cornfed, I have also read the information posted on Mapleshade's website. Their claims aren't much more "outrageous" than many other dealers. I have tried their vibration control devices (brass cones and weights) and find them to be effective. Quite honestly I ignored most of the advertisements. I only tried their products based on the recommendations of other Audiogoners. Would you care to be more specific? What specific claims do you find to be "outrageous" and how did you determine this to be the case? Have you contacted Mapleshade and gotten any details on their testing methods?
gallaine: here are two claims made, verbatim, by mapleshde on the “tweaks & wire” section of its website. 1)

“Use this remarkable contact-enhancing spray on every connector in your system (RCA plugs, binding posts, AC plugs, tube pins, fuses). Improve your sound by nearly as much as doubling your amplifier investment.”

2) “We first tested this spray on our Sunny Sumter CD. The extra clarity it brought to her voice was more than could have been gained by spending an extra $1000 on our studio CD player system.”

do you not find these statements to be facially deceptive? i can virtually assure you they were not made after scientific testing and therefore are utterly without basis in fact or law. i shall contact mapleshade and ask what their bases are for these claims, and others made for their "tweaks". if i receive a response, i'll post it on a-gon.