cd spray tweaks?

Mapleshade records has a spray that is supposed to make cd's sound better. Does anyone know or tried this?mapleshade absolutely raves about every product they have. Makes me suspicious.
gallaine: here are two claims made, verbatim, by mapleshde on the “tweaks & wire” section of its website. 1)

“Use this remarkable contact-enhancing spray on every connector in your system (RCA plugs, binding posts, AC plugs, tube pins, fuses). Improve your sound by nearly as much as doubling your amplifier investment.”

2) “We first tested this spray on our Sunny Sumter CD. The extra clarity it brought to her voice was more than could have been gained by spending an extra $1000 on our studio CD player system.”

do you not find these statements to be facially deceptive? i can virtually assure you they were not made after scientific testing and therefore are utterly without basis in fact or law. i shall contact mapleshade and ask what their bases are for these claims, and others made for their "tweaks". if i receive a response, i'll post it on a-gon.
Cornfed, thanks for the response. The claims do seem extravagent. I have spoken with the folks at Mapleshade in the past and they seem reasonably intelligent and cooperative. Hopefully, they will answer your questions.
I agree with Elizabeth that the CD sprays and green pens do work, at least in my system. In fact, sometime the change is so obvious that you need not have a duplicate CD to compare. However, I also agree with Cornfedboy about Mapleshade. When I first read this post a couple of days ago, I choose not to comment, as I did not know the facts. Now that Cornfedboy has provided us with Mapleshades exact claims, I must admit that the performance gains they promise would almost constitute a miracle. Perhaps I should buy these products, and try them myself. If the product is really as terrific as Mapleshade claims, there should be no problem with a refund if I am the only one who gets different results than advertised.
I've tried a couple things from Mapleshade. Now that Cornfed has posted some of the claims, I do remember them, altho I paid no attention at the time. I tried MS because they seemed to be one of the "good guys" -- trying to produce useful stuff without hyper-inflating the cost of buying it. So, at least their excessive "enthusiasm" is not deployed to support high prices. ........ Garebear, I don't think there's any risk to using the polish; I think the clear layer on the CD is plenty thick. I've thought about trying this kind of treatment. I have a little bottle of optical grade polish that I use on my Handspring Visor (handheld pda). Sometime when I have time to twiddle, I'll use that on a CD and listen.
Hey audiophiles, why doesn't one of us spring the bucks for a can and test it? (there is a money back guarantee). Why speculate and debate something we do not know? I'll bet in a day or two some people who have purchased the product will respond. I do agree with Cornfedboy that their advertisement is exaggerated, probably geared toward the average uneducated American consumer.