Which comm. speaker mfgr. makes the best cabinet?

Which commercial speaker manufacturer makes the best FUNCTIONAL cabinet and why? What type cabinet? (reflex, sealed, T-line, etc?) I'm not talking about cabinet finish....but function and quality of design and construction. Quality of finish would be lowest priority.
Thanks for your comments!
Ah! Sorry MYRAJ. What and why.
Well, I was leaving it as an all encompassing answer;
Best cabinet? Dynaudio / Why, Dynaudio.
I am sorry that was out of your understanding. In the future I will try to keep my all encompassing answers very clear. I hope that this clears up any misundr.
Rgrost, did someone say that Wilson used Carbon Fiber? I cannot find that post.
Rgrost - thanks for the clarification. I was checking because many folks tend to confuse Wilson-Benesch with Wilson Audio for whatever reason. To my knowledge neither Rockport or Wilson Audio uses or has ever used Carbon Fiber reinforced cabinets.