Dedicated Power Lines - How to?

Hi. I've great stories of how dedicated power lines can make a significant upgrade to sound quality and am considering getting this done for my system. I'm just not sure how to go about it, the best options to select, who to call and what costs to expect. Will an electricion have to tear cables out of walls or simply install something outside - sorry for my ignorance. Finally, is it really worth it compared to other upgrade routes (would a Shunyata Hydra get me most of the benefit?) Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. I live in the California South San Francisco Bay area. If you can recommend an electricion here, that would be great.

My system is YBACD1a CD player, Blue Circle BC2 hybrid monoblocks, Audio Physic VirgoII speakers, Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp (although I ordered a Supratek Chardonnay to try), and Pioneer DV09 DVD player. I may get a DLP projector soon as well. Thanks!!!!!
I did most of the 3 dedicated lines and circuits myself. I also added PS Audio Power Port outlets and lifted the ground on each line.

It's well worth it.


My neighbor helped me put in a couple of dedicated 20 amps line in my house. It took us about 8 hours to do the job. We did cut one hole about 12 x 20 inches and a couple of much smaller holes to pull the wires. My neighbor is an electrician so I was pretty lucky.

After it was done, I didn't hear any improvement in sound quality. My house is fairly new and the ac wires are pretty short since the circuit breaker panel is right below the outlets so I may not have much voltage drop.

You live only a couple of miles away from me. If you are still interested in dedicated lines, I can check with my neighbor and see if he can recommend some good electricians.

I live in South San Francisco also and just had dedicated lines installed in my house. I can give you the name and number of the electrician who did it for me once I get home tonight. I'll give you the info via e-mail.
