Upsampling the way to go? ?

As if we didn't have enough to decide with the format wars, the latest issue of Stereophile implies upsampling is the magic to make cds as good as sacd. ARC however, disagrees. Has anyone actually listened to the ARC CD3 vs the MF NU Vista 3D,Cary, EMC 1,or other comparably priced players with upsampling?
The link below will connect you to an article on exactly this topic from hi-fi news and record review. It is the very least.......
Why go upsampling when you can have 24/96 native resolution in a up and coming format? Check out the HiFi Farm Newswire in this months Stereophile for some great commentary by the leader in hi-rez recording. Some upsamplers for your redbooks work well,some don't . It totally depends on who's it happens to be. The future is on the horizon!
When comparing upsampling, which I was championing, to one bit sampling, I was astounded how much information was lost with the upsampling equipment auditioned. The very information which provides the layering of the sound stage and air about the performers.
Some of these go back a ways: MBS Full Nelson, Millenium #1, Dodson DA-217 MK IID, 47 Labs, Audio Logic, Kora Hermes, and Audio Note and at least a couple of others. BTW, the Audio Note, the cheapest DAC 1.1, SOUNDED the best. I have the Audio Note 3.1 Signature. Jim.