Cables "Burn In"

Please,how many days should I wait before my Siltech G3 interconnects are burn in?The sound will be very different?Thanks.
Now, PBB. If Agon really were as one-sided as that, would your post even make it past the moderators? Certainly, this site is dominated by one point of view, and yes, that point of view is good for Agon's bottom line. But there seems to be some room for others to point out that there's more than one way to be an audiophile, and to suggest that some of the wilder marketing claims out there are just that--marketing claims. Just accept that you'll get flamed when you do, and take it like a man.
Hmm, this "changing in transit" thing is kind making this burning in sound like the shun-meow to me. Run a search on shun-meow and you will see what I mean.
Gumby, i did a search on shun-meow and came up with some non-descript links to video game stuff. Can you put your last post into English for those of us that have no idea as to what you are talking about ??? Sean

how do you keep your cat from sleeping on your amp

Look under that thread. There is a reference to shun-meow in there by me.

It is comedy actually.