Stylast compatibility ZYX cartridges

I understand liquid lubricants and cleaners are not recommended for ZYX cartridges because their hollow cantilever will wick fluid up by capillary action. Is this correct? I have noted a clear benefit in reduction of surface noise from Stylast with my other cartridges.

Is there an acceptable way to enjoy the lubricant benefit of Stylast with ZYX?

Is there a different product I could use with this cartridge to achieve the same benefits?

Finally, is Stylast incompatible with other brands of phono cartridges?

You don't "buy into" capillary action in a tube? What do you think a capillary is? Hint: check the circulatory system chapter in any anatomy textbook. The distance a liquid can travel due to capillary action is a function of its viscosity, the diameter of the capillary, molecular pressure and gravity. The drinking straw example is absurdly different from the cantilever of a MC cartridge.

I'd take ZYX's advice at face value. They don't say, "never clean your stylus". They say, "don't clean your stylus with liquid cleaners." That leaves the Zerodust, ExtremePhono and Twl's matchbook striker as viable, warranty-safe options.

As far as Stylast goes, if your technique is good enough to ensure it dampens ONLY the stylus and NEVER the cantilever, why not? Otherwise, proceed at your own risk.
So what is the viscosity of Stylast? What is the specific gravity? What is the molecular pressure? Can you prove that capillary action is indeed taking place or to what effect?

By the way, the match striker idea was around in the 1960's and is not a new idea by any means.
I, too, have used Stylast and other liquid cleaners for many years (at least 25) without a problem. Every time I read one of these warnings I stop for a while, but always return. My current cart (Grado Reference) has had at least 4 years of heavy use duing which i've gone through at least 3 botles of Stylast. But as they say, YMMV.
I have a Lyra helikon. I use Record Research #9. When I apply it, and get a little can see it moving up the cantilever. Darkens it slightly as it moves. Fortunately, it seems to evaporate quickly and never really goes inside the coil area (I hope).

I'll have to respectively disagree with jes45.
The manufacturer specifically states in the literature on the website that liquid stylus cleaners that could "wick" up the hollow cantilever, are not to be used on the ZYX cartridges. That's good enough for me.