DVD Audio player Vs good CD player

I'm interested in the new DVD Audio players but was curious
how the sound quality is in playing back normal CDs on them VS the sound quality of a good cd player. Any other pros and cons about the DVD Audio players would be welcomed.
Joe Lienhard
widescreen reveiw using the pioneer dvd/dvd-a/sacd player[4,500] said that dvd audio sounded worse than the 6500.00 wadia cpd and that sacd was better than the wadia.Also check out positive feedback or robert harley reveiw of the 9000es and veiws on sacd being the best.You will not find a reveiw comparing dvd-a to sacd where sacd does not win by a landslide.Also owners of both formats have all proclaimed sacd to be far superior and one of these was the new rotel dvd-a were the owner said that most redbook sounded better than the dvd-a of the rotel.Any one looking at dvd-a players must not hear very good or see as in comparison reveiws.
I bought a Panasonic A7, a JVC 723GD, and Sony S9000ES. I also have a 2 year old Sony 300 (cost me $500). The A7 and JVC are DVD-A players. The A7, JVC, and Sony 300 had similar quality CD and DVD play.

The DVD-A play on the A7 and the JVC was noticably better than their CD play. However, CD/DVD play on the Sony S9000ES was better than DVD-A play on the A7 and JVC. The S9000ES was more dynamic and defined. SACD was another step up.

I'm sure the Rotel ($1500) is much better than the A7 and JVC. There's other high quality DVD-A players (Toshiba and Onkyo are examples) to consider.

By the way, I kept the S9000ES and returned the A7 and JVC.
I am very pleased with SACD and the current software. I've bought 16 SACDs and have a list of over 20 more I plan to buy. I bought one DVD-A disc (Aaron Nevelle). I think there's only one or two others I would buy right now. Some are getting horrible reviews.