Calling all analog experts

Currently I'm using the entry level MMF 5 with stock goldring cartridge. Recently listened to some high end Avid and Basis tables and now feel analogically impotent. VPI, Linn, Teres, Clearaudio and Basis are all products that I'd consider. Cartridges and tonearms I don't really know much about. Like anyone I'd like to get the biggest bang for the buck and have no problem buying used . Please suggest a strategy. Other components include:

ARC LS16 MK2 preamp
Cary 306 cdp
ayre v5-x amp
Revel ultima studios
phonomenon phonostage.


Psychicanimal, does stylus drag refer to your Stanton in a party dress and panty hose, or did I misunderstand?
DougDeacon, my comment on TT's related to the original Aries and not the Scout. I have no comment on the Scout as I have not seen or heard one play music.

I am confident that VPI TNT HR belts are not rubber, synthetic rubber likely, thermoplastic likely also, although most likely a combination of synrubber and thermoplastics.

Mylar belts is that for real if so what is the benefit...I think that mylar is a thermoplastic, so are mylar belts really different and once again what is the benefit to mylar belts over thermoplastic or synthetic rubber drive belts?

I have seen mylar build a static charge and then discharge, how does Teres eliminate this occurance.

Curious comments on some stuff in this thread...
unless the stylus is dirty, then of course it is dressed very don't want a filthy needle
Apologies to anyone if I came on strong. I just love my TT too much. My motor had a circuit board bug and I just got it back from Chris Brady. He turned it around in one day and installed the $70 Signature II board upgrade for free! Hugs, kisses...

Agree you can get great stuff used, better than anything new for the $. That's how I got my 901, otherwise we couldn't have afforded it. (Also my CDP and amp.)

If your Gyro is portable a side-by-side would be great fun. We could probably swap arms pretty easily, to make it as apples-to-apples as possible. I'd offer to return the visit but an assembled Teres is not easily transported. Tilting it even a little would spill oil from the bearing.

BTW, did you hear John Michell just passed away? Sad new for analog lovers, RIP.

I don't know if the Teres project considered DD or not, great question. Eldartford suggested the same thing a little while ago. Controlling stylus drag is the goal of course. DD "should" do that very effectively, assuming other problems can be avoided. Since the Teres motor is claimed to be virtually noise and vibration free (as much as that's possible) it seems like an obvious candidate.

After testing many materials, mylar belts proved the best performers on Teres, Redpoint and Galibrier TT's. VHS tape was a close second. The advantage of mylar vs. rubber or neoprene is its dimensional stability. A non-elastic belt provides a direct torque linkage between motor and platter, instant resistance to that stylus drag Albert loves so much! If slippage can be avoided, a rigid link best emulates Psychicanimal's direct drive. Obviously this requires a motor that is vibration-free and speed-stable, so that dampening is not required. The Teres motor seems to fit the bill, and I expect the Redpoint/Galibrier motors do also.

You can check my thread "TT Drive Belt Comparison" for a description of the sonic benefits of mylar vs. the silk string Teres used to use. Also Agaffer's recent thread.

I've never observed any static buildup between my belt and platter. Perhaps because the Teres bearing is grounded? Perhaps because my wood platter is a poor conductor? Don't know if this is a problem for a Teres with an acrylic platter.

If you're still following this very hijacked thread, are you old enough for some of this? How can a nude stylus be in drag?