The Best kept Secret in Speaker Cables please?

Looking for the best kept secret in Speaker Cables, that is better than, Valhalas, Transparent Reference XL,
(((Please can't afford the Opus , I WISH )))
So lets say, costing less than $5k new. If you have tried these cables and found a speaker cable that is state of the art, fast-detailed-great lush voice-real violins-layers of bass.
Please I am ready to audition.
Thank you
Thank you for your comments,
I have the Krell FPB-300 , and MTS Prelude with RABOS Subs

XLO UNLIMITED clearly beat SPM REFERENCE Nordost in my system never heard Valhalla though the unlimited may better it also. See my reviews regarding XLO for more details.
Proy: Here is my system,

-Martin Logan ReQuests.
-Krell FPB 600.
-Krell KRC/Reference Phono.
-Sony SCD-1.
-Old VPI table, SME3009 arm, and various cartridges.
-All interconnects, Pure Note Epsilon Reference.

I also play with many cables. I still favor the Compass Lake for interconnects but only have this cable between my SCD-1 and preamp. I have tried Bogdan, Empirical, Ridge Street, and others but did not keep them. Perhaps you can borrow cables like I did to save hassle and expense.
For the Record, unless Sonic genious Identifies himself to me via personal email so I know who he is, he has never purchased from us and has never used any of our cabling. I have asked him previously to identify himself with no response. I've certainly not had any one return our cables so I'm not sure what's up here. If I am inccorect here, I will recant my statement here.

Robert C. Schult
Ridge Street Audio Designs
First of all, anything near $5K is likely no secret. Second, the need to spend anything near $5K for cables that will sound "best" in your system is, IMHO, totally fallacious. That said, Dschultz makes a good point about "no best".

As a side note, I'd wager the Ridge Street Midnight Silver Edition could be the best kept secret in terms of a quality to recognition ratio. Doubt it will stay that way for long, though. And, no, I am not affilated with Ridge Street.

BTW, who let the cat out of the bag?
