The Best kept Secret in Speaker Cables please?

Looking for the best kept secret in Speaker Cables, that is better than, Valhalas, Transparent Reference XL,
(((Please can't afford the Opus , I WISH )))
So lets say, costing less than $5k new. If you have tried these cables and found a speaker cable that is state of the art, fast-detailed-great lush voice-real violins-layers of bass.
Please I am ready to audition.
Thank you
Sonoran desert plateau are fantastic. I have both the ICs and speaker cables. I went from nordost to these. I think they are as good as it gets and the price is reasonable. If you need special runs they will deal with you individually and quote a reasonable price.
I completely agree with your statement. Case in point, my experience with Synergistic Research Designers Reference in my current set up of Kharma 3.2s and Tenor 75Wi.
What was a fine cable in my prior system, kills some of the best qualities of my current system. I just started the search for the "right match"
Any comments and sugestions on what to use with this set up will be greatly appreciated
There's a testimonial from a Kharma owner in the Ridge Street Audio website, if I recall...
I must confess that I may be the one ( or one of the ones ) that let the cat out of the bag. I tried Ridge Street Audios' cables and loved them before most anyone new them. I mentioned them in the Audio Asylum and some people pretty much called me liar! If you look at the feedback they are now enjoying you'll see that I wasn't doing anything but telling it like I heard.I have since upgraded 2 times and plan on more in the future. I am treated like a customer and getting a bargain to boot. What else can an audiophile ask for? I am using Kharma 1.0,Thor monos and linestage and Meridian 508/24 player