SOTA vs. Rega, VPI, Music Hall, Clearaudio

Does the SOTA even hold a candle? How much do I need to spend to make a difference? I really can't complain about my old SOTA, do the latest offerings from these other fine companies put the SOTA to shame? Can the SOTA be updated, for a reasonable cost and then can it compete? Thank you! Mark Mendenhall
SOTA is a nice turntable. It is still as good now as it ever was. It can be bettered, but is quite competent. It depends on how much you want to spend, as to whether it would be worth upgrading. I think SOTA has some upgrade paths, and you might like that route. You might find it does as well or better than any of the other brands you mentioned above, depending on make and model.
I love my sota! Simple, clean and quiet. Anything can be upgraded but why bother unless you don't like it-so, try it first.