I bought a HW-19 jr about 2 yrs ago with the thinking that I would upgrade at a latter date. So when I took my table in last month to get a new cart(broke my BPS stylus) I called beforhand to talk about going to the MK IV, my dealer said the HW 19 series was being discontiued and that the Scout is a better table over the MK IV, which I could get for $1000. w/ trade in of my jr and he would put my new cart (Benz Ace L) on the scout. To be frank I was kinda pissed that what I thought would be a 1st rate near high end table to last a lifetime is now, to some extent, just the latest to end up on the scrap heap. Thats not to say that the MK IV is crap, nor is my dealer, who has provided excellent service and whose opinion I trust, is just looking to make a sale. In truth, I HAVE been thinking of getting the Scout in the near future but I see VPI now has the Scoutmaster, an improved version of the orginal model. If I get the Scoutmaster, does this mean I am offically "in the club" of always looking for the next best in sound and never finished building a system?