Why Expensive power Cables when Romex behind Wall?

Could somebody please help me to shed light on this?
Is there any reason I should invest in expensive power cables when there's low grade cable between my outlet and the wall? I've upgraded most other components in my systems, but I'm just not sure that spending several hundred dollars for power cables makes sense, when the cable running from my outlet to the wall costs less than $.10 per foot. Can anyone shed light on this?

Right/Exactly: The Absolute cords are probably UL and NFPA rated for a piece of audio equipment (so is lamp cord), not hospital equipment. They are giving the impression they are better than they are by putting in terms like Hospital Grade and then adding the fine print later. I have nothing against those cords since people find they work. I have no direct opinion on them, because I have yet to try one.

I am on your side actually Will; and I may even be more skeptical than you. I am skeptical to any or all marketing claims. I am a big believer in people trying things for themselves and forming their own opinion. I guess if everyone did that, there would be a reduced need for salespersons. (Less ads actually sounds good.)

The original post mentions Romex in the wall assuming it to be poor. I assume there are different grades of Romex???
Happy listening.

Different wire guages, certainly, and different types of insulation so that some must be run in conduit, other run in open, etc. depending on local codes.

We're absolutely in agreement on this point: Buy what you can hear.

It's interesting that no one seems to disagree with what I said earlier in this thread, and no one is saying that expensive pc's are a good investment. That must tell you something. Tom
There's something that Bill Parish (GTT Audio/Absolute Power Cord) taught me: "The last eight feet (of power line) are the most important."

A year later I have a very clear idea on this subject--and also why cryogenics is the most cost effective treatment. It's in the very last feet that the electric particles/waveform gets shaped prior to entering the audio component. As such, there will be a profound influence on sonics. Tice TPT, cryogenics, Bybee filters--they all work on some aspect(s) of reorganizing the particles/waveform prior to entering the audio component.

This has been THE most important lesson I've learned since coming back to the hobby after a five to six year break.