Best cartridge under $450? No Grados please

I've been reading up on the Dynavector 10x5, Clearaudio Aurum Beta S Mk II, Shure v15vxMR and the Ortofon OM 20. I need a cartrdige for my new analog playback system and am looking to stay under $400-450. Anyone heard these cartridges or any others that are great deals in the price range? Have 'table and arm that Grado's might hum on, so cannot accept recommendations on them.Thanks
I'm a big fan of the Shure V15, which of all the cartridges I've tried, mm and mc, over 20 years, seems to get to the heart of the music and accurately preserve the rhythmic structure better than any other (the two factors are connected). It's also quite detailed. If you only want to enjoy the music without audiophile pretensions, this is the cartridge to get. Others may be more detailed or more dynamic (the Shure is no slouch, however), but the Shure simply sounds "right," you can relax. When you get the itch to improve it, a small dab (and I mean small, a tiny bead) of epoxy-resin here and there (one on each side and one in the middle: it can then be undone when replacement time comes) to hold the removable stylus assembly in place will squeeze some more performance out of it.
Let me put in another vote for the Dyna - incredible cartridge for the price. In my system the Shure did not touch it. Caveat: I used the 10x4, the predecessor to the 10x5.

Before I found out they could repair my bent Grado Reference Master, at no cost, I stupidly bought a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood.

Now my Grado will make a great back up for the much more musical Virtuoso Wood. Get yourself a Woody for $499. It has better dynamics and extension in both extremes. It also has a larger soundstage and greater depth. It is great with a tubed preamp.

It is a superior Cartridge. Get your Woody today!!