Aesthetix Io vs Lamm LP2


I currently have the Aesthetix Io in my system. I am thinking of switching to the Lamm LP2. Has anyone owned/listened to both in the same system and can tell me what I can expect switching to the Lamm? I read many reviews of Lamm equipment and keep reading "dark". Is this correct?

One thing about the IO--I'm sure it's performance, like the Manley's, can be improved with better tubes. The Manley went up about 30 percent in performance. But think of the cost on the Io!
Well Jacob, usual disclaimers apply. This opinion is based on MY tastes, MY system, MY preferences and in MY room!

That said, the Io Signature has restored my love of vinyl (which as you know, has been waning of late). For MY money the Io Sig bested the Manley quite convincingly. Yes, there are some negatives, but hey are quite easy to live with - tube rush, size and heat.

Sorry, I am getting dragged away and will add more in an hour or two.
My only caveat here is that you never rolled the tubes in the Manley which made a significant difference in quality of sound--bigger, faster, more explosive, and much less tizzy.
This is true. But I wanted to first compare them head to head with stock tubes. I also know tube rolling can benefit the Io albeit at a much higher price. I'll call ya.
Frank, your experience is similar to other reports I've heard. I wonder if Albert Porter will share his experience comparing the two phono stages, also. Seems to me he has had the Manley in his system for a listen.