Aesthetix Io vs Lamm LP2


I currently have the Aesthetix Io in my system. I am thinking of switching to the Lamm LP2. Has anyone owned/listened to both in the same system and can tell me what I can expect switching to the Lamm? I read many reviews of Lamm equipment and keep reading "dark". Is this correct?

Frank, your experience is similar to other reports I've heard. I wonder if Albert Porter will share his experience comparing the two phono stages, also. Seems to me he has had the Manley in his system for a listen.
Frank, I'm sure you're right. For one reason. The Manley is a hybrid. The Io is not. Having all the step-up performed by tubes is simply superior. But then you run into all the tube problems, of course...
Jacob, here is what I posted in a response to Rayhall about my impressions of the Manley versus the Io Signature:

Rayhall, I do not know if you are still following this thread but here are my initial impressions of the Aesthetix Io Signature versus the Manley Steelhead (both the latest versions).

First, my usual disclaimers: my opinions are simply that, they are based on MY tastes, with MY system, in MY room, based on MY past experiences and MY preferences as heard through MY ears!!

That said, I let the Io warm up for a few hours before listening. I also used both units with stock tubes (even though I KNOW that they can both be changed/improved/tuned to individual tastes with NOS tubes. I also set both at or near the same impedance usuing the exact same system and ICs and power cords to ensure nothing else new contributed to the sound.

For my money, the Io restored my faith in vinyl which had begun to wane. The Io Sig, IN MY SYSTEM, bettered the Manly fairly convincingly for what I value. It was much more dynamic, it had better transient attack, better image focus, bigger soundstage (both height and width) and was, to my ears, truer to the timbre and tonality of instruments. The music just seemed more effortless and less congested. Now I am told by friends I trust that you can drastically improve the Manley with some esoteric tube rolling (especially to improve dynamics) but I will leave that to Gladstone to fill you in on.

I am now going to tube roll with the Io but at a MUCH higher price due to the sheer number of tubes and will report the results (thanks Bruce and Albert for the tips!).

Down sides? Yup. The Manley is $1,700 less than the Io, the Manley is smaller and the Io produces more heat. Also, there is that old tube rush at highder volumes with the Io that some people do not like. For me, I don't hear the tube rush when the music is playing and the real estate and heat issues disappear when that cartridge hits the LP!!

My good friend Brian who is as sick as I am put it best when he said "it just sounds right!" I have felt like an Audio Goldilocks the last two years - "this phono stage is TOOOO this and that phono stage is TOOO that and this cartridge is TOOO this and that cartridge is TOOO that."

Well, this combo (Dynavector XV-1s and Io Signature) is JUUUUUST right for me!