Yeah, all I've heard so far is the relative potential of this table since VTA (SRA) is so critical, especially with the 901. I will let everyone know what my impression is once it's set up properly. I imagine it will meet my expectations or exceed them. Just for the record, if the armboard would have been the right height I would never have looked so closely at the surfaces of all the pieces. Keep in mind though that the Teres website says the platter is MACHINED to very close tolerances. Like 4yanx, I too would like to know exactly how the platter is made. If the parts are run through a planer and then sanded, that doesn't meet my definition of machined.
On a side note to everyone I would like to express my appreciation for the kind remarks. I feared that I would really be seen as a touble maker which I'm not. The trouble was with the armboard, not me. It took quit a bit of effort on my part to eliminate every other possible part as the culprit. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't been able to find detailed drawings of the armboard or platter on the Teres website. If those would have been posted then I would have found out long ago that the armboard was about 1/2" too high. Chris said to me repeatedly that there must be something different about the Illustrious. In retrospect it should have been obvious to him when I had to buy a 2" Forstner bit to deepen the bottom hole 1/2" just to attach the nut to the arm. In this case, getting his attention was like pulling teeth and I've got to say this aspect really pissed me off. There is really no excuse for shipping the wrong bolt length since the potential of stripping the wooden threads goes way up when one is trying to secure the armboard to a point where a minor bump doesn't require you to re-setup the whole package. Drilling the wrong size hole for the VTA collars is inexcuseable also. Honestly, these issues may be minor in the scope of things but how would the Teres group like it if their tire dealer only had 3 of the correct size tires and mounted the fourth tire with whatever size they had on hand?
Once again, there aren't that many critical dimensions. Not many of the surfaces are critical either. Those that are should be held to the standards expressed on the Teres website.
Yeah, all I've heard so far is the relative potential of this table since VTA (SRA) is so critical, especially with the 901. I will let everyone know what my impression is once it's set up properly. I imagine it will meet my expectations or exceed them. Just for the record, if the armboard would have been the right height I would never have looked so closely at the surfaces of all the pieces. Keep in mind though that the Teres website says the platter is MACHINED to very close tolerances. Like 4yanx, I too would like to know exactly how the platter is made. If the parts are run through a planer and then sanded, that doesn't meet my definition of machined.
On a side note to everyone I would like to express my appreciation for the kind remarks. I feared that I would really be seen as a touble maker which I'm not. The trouble was with the armboard, not me. It took quit a bit of effort on my part to eliminate every other possible part as the culprit. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't been able to find detailed drawings of the armboard or platter on the Teres website. If those would have been posted then I would have found out long ago that the armboard was about 1/2" too high. Chris said to me repeatedly that there must be something different about the Illustrious. In retrospect it should have been obvious to him when I had to buy a 2" Forstner bit to deepen the bottom hole 1/2" just to attach the nut to the arm. In this case, getting his attention was like pulling teeth and I've got to say this aspect really pissed me off. There is really no excuse for shipping the wrong bolt length since the potential of stripping the wooden threads goes way up when one is trying to secure the armboard to a point where a minor bump doesn't require you to re-setup the whole package. Drilling the wrong size hole for the VTA collars is inexcuseable also. Honestly, these issues may be minor in the scope of things but how would the Teres group like it if their tire dealer only had 3 of the correct size tires and mounted the fourth tire with whatever size they had on hand?
Once again, there aren't that many critical dimensions. Not many of the surfaces are critical either. Those that are should be held to the standards expressed on the Teres website.