If one listens to their system 2 hours daily on average, then it would take the better part of two years before one actually hears what said player is capable of. Ha!
Better ask for a two year trial period from your local high end retailer. I trust one hears what the unit will ultimately sound like after 500 hours at most. Anything after that is due to changes in mental state, one's physical fluctuations, humidly, lack of humidity, time of day, type of food just consumed, adult beverage consumed, position in listening chair, ear wax level and on and on. No kidding guys. My system, as is, sounds different day to day due to factors beyond break in.
If you have listened enough days to a unit with 500 hours, rest assured you have indeed heard the unit for what it is. That same unit will indeed sound different, in your same system, next year on any particular day for a whole host of reasons both understood and not understood...... but no longer because of break in.
Ok, let the Aphile community roast me know.