Conrad Johnson DA2b... "Is it the Tubes?

Yes my curiosity surrounds the Conrad Johnson Da2b. But first I must back up and explain my situation. I am looking for advise and feedback. The system I have now is the best components that I could afford to buy second hand. (being that I am only a 22 year old college senior). First let me explain my current system. Mcintosh 7100 amp, Mcintosh C-36 preamp, Pioneer Elite PD-65( as a transport), Conrad Johnson Da2b DAC(XLO digital cable connecting the two), B&W 602 II's, The interconnects and Speaker Bi-wiring were the Best Monster cable I could afford. Before the addition of the CJ and Elite, I was using a crappy sony 200 disc changer that had to go! When I made the upgrade I was not that impressed. My question is it the tubes? The DA2b was 2 years old when I got it and still has the stock tubes. If so what tubes should I get? The new set up has added warmth to my music but it seems that much clarity is missing and there is actually less of a sound stage.I listen to everything from Jazz to classic rock. Being not that experienced in the audiophile world I may be wrong and it may not be the tubes at all and something else, but I know for 2000$ retail the DA2b should sound better than a sony changer and it barely does. HELP!! ps- affordable!! solutions will be greatly acccepted as well as critiques of my system as a whole! Thanks! Adam
New tubes will almost certainly make it more crisp. However, speed and detail are not the apparent goals of CJ gear. Natural harmonics, natural level of detail, nuance and lifelike reproduction are, IMO. New tube set will be worth the modest investment, even as an experiment. Kevin Deal of Upscale in LA is indeed a great resource.
IT IS NOT THE DA2b ADAM. I no from exp.You need to git rid of the PD65 & Find a used theta data basic 11. A great combo. I went threw this with the pd65. & a audio bud let me use his data basic. And whase I blown away. So I bought one. Or just find a better transport. The pd65 is a pour transport.
don't waste your with separates for your source. I would call Kevin but not to retube your dac but to get a njoe tjoeb. It is the first player I have owned in three years under $1500 and it gives thema all a rune for their money. I enjoy it as mucha s my CD50 in my main system.