Order of importance

I recently upgraded my system to Thiel 2.2, CJ MF2200 and CJ PFR. I went back to using my old Denon 1520 CD player from a new DVD. I was told by a salesman that the order of importance in a system is 1)speakers, 2)source, 3)preamp, 4)amp. Therefore, I was told to buy a new CD or use the Denon as a transport and get a DA converter. Any thoughts on this and what DAC to consider?
I agree, get the CD player first. Thiel speakers, any of them, are revealing enough that you should get enjoyment out of a source upgrade. CJ equipment demands a good source as well. The CJ PFR is on my short list of pre-amps to upgrade to. I use a CJ PV12 right now, and my system is topped off with a Meridian 508.24 cd player. IMHO, I believe that a system is only as good as its weakest link. Why spend a lot of money on one component and then not much on another? It's like putting low-octane gas in a sport car--It will run, but not well. You've got a great system with the CJ and Thiel combination. I think a good CD player would make it even better. Hope this helps.
I have found that no component is 'more important' than the others. Great amplification with poor speakers sounds at least as bad as poor amplification with great speakers. I do agree that running a lesser cdp will sound relatively poor with Thiels. You say all your upgrades have been fairly recent, so I do not see the problem with starting with the speakers. Although I don’t believe in a component importance hierarchy, I have found that variance between speakers is a little greater than the variance between other components (n/a for turntables). What if you later found that you really dig the Thiels but your electronics were all wrong for them? Definitely get a new cdp or dac, though. I like the Linn Ikemi. It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly suggest picking one up. Haven’t heard them but I hear great things about Meridian 508.24, Wadia 830, Mistral, and Cary. Have fun
Price is a big issue, and your overall budget on where you expect to go is another issue. For me, I started by buying great speakers. They were a great deal, but it was the most expensive $2000 I ever spent. I had to constantly upgrade to get the most out of them. They became the stronghold--and everything (I mean everything) else was the weak link. In your case it seams simplier--you have good speakers and a good pre-amp. Your source is clearly the weak link. I also used a relatively inexpensive CD player as a transport and bought a good D/A (then a better transport--then a better D/A--then another better transport). So my advice would be: figure out where you want to go with the system--then it's easier to find the path. If you aren't concerned with the "future" formats--buy the best redbook CD player you can afford. I think the dollar value in single box designs is better than 2 box (unless you're like me and want the upgrade path of DAC-transport-DAC-transport) If you are concerned about the "future" formats consider a D/A that is fully upgradeable and then upgrade the transport that will accomodate that (as it becomes available). I know there are no DACs that do SACD (with the possible exception of Accuphase)--but some have the capabilities and will likely become upgradeable if that format really takes off. I have not invested very much in the future formats--I do have an SACD player, but it's not up to par with my CD playback system. It does have promise as being better, but until there's more software--I'm in the wait and see camp.
I'd like to add that I'm not unhappy with the system as is, although I will likely upgrade the CD. I love the Thiels and these are the cornerstone of the system. I have always liked the Thiel sound. I suppose I'm looking at optimizing the system as simply as possible. Getting a new CD or DAC seems to fit the bill. Your suggestions are much appreciated.
My Meridian 508.24 CD player goes great with my CJ pre-amp. You should listen to one. Also, do you have a price range for a player? You could probably pick up the Meridian used for $2000 here on Audiogon, new for maybe $3500.