The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?

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This topic looks very interesting. I have been lurking on Audiogon for about a year, learning a lot about hi-fi and enjoying one of the most elevated web site on the net...I don't want to convince anybody other then me if expensive cables are worth it, as I am the only responsibile to pay the bills... I do have decent wires[nordost, analysis plus] and I was looking into buying some cardas gold reference ICs[ I am telling you that so nobody can say that I am one of those folks in denail about cables just because they can't afford to buy some good wire]so I stumbled on some the well-known-to-some-of-you web sites, sustaining that blind studies failed consistently to differentiate various wires and the placebo effect is responsible for the percived heard differences...To my surprise, major audiophilic sites banned any blind study[ the only one than can completely destroy the placebo argument] . I never saw a blin study in a audio magazine, and lots of folks on the net,otherwise nice and refined, became hostile or sarcastic dealing with this subject[ somehow understendable, as it would be ridiculous to invest thousands in wires that would not be differentiated compared blind with Sam Telig's 20 bucks ARs and they may take the blind study as a personal challange of their audio skills...]
I belived that I felt a little difference while swaping my cables, but I am not so sure anymore that is was real because:

-placebo effect may be very strong.One out of three folks with major deppresion wil get much better taking a sugar pill belived to be the medicine...It is not impossible that the often subtle differences between cables are due to our different expectations...A minor change in the excitation threshold of cohlear cells or more likely less cortical inhibition in the areas surrounding the brain's audio reception zone , as Joe is in awe of his new audio jewlery, could not alter the final sensation?
-there are reports of folks[ even audiogoners]with revealing rigs and demonstated integrity that are downsizeing to decent entry level cables, as the exotic ones failed to make a difference.
-pro reviewers-see a recent Stereophile advocating the use of a good gold plated RCA and high purity stranded copper as "All that you'll need".

So I decided to try a single blind test. I'll order two philips 963 sacds[ and I'll return the 2nd after..],ask my wife to hook them with the cables to be studied to my amp, put identical cd copies and hit the play buttons 5 seconds appart. I'll change the cables in no time, using the amp's remote and I'll write the impressions . Some friends will be invited to increase the number of measurements[ beers given after...] Do you have any suggestions ?
Pbb and Danvetc, I can only report my experiences. As probably both of you know from my many previous posts, I have no desire to spend more than necessary for good sound. I have always tried to point out good value type of products. I don't own the most expensive cables. For a long time I used my own DIY. But I cannot deny that they sound different. They just do. I can't say the grass is orange just because I would like it to be so. Facts are facts and that's all there is to it.

Regarding my blind testing percentage, it was not just me, but also my fellow salesmen at the audio store I used to work in. Perhaps it was the familiarity level that we had with all the equipment that we demoed. But it was no problem to identify any of the pieces substituted into the reference system, and do it rather quickly and accurately. We knew the sound of the gear, and it showed, blindfolded or otherwise. Now, when you can walk into a room blindfolded and know that there's a Threshold 400 amp playing, when nobody told you what gear was hooked up, then that is no accident. Walk back out of the room, come back in blindfolded and know that a Naim 250 was now playing, and be right. I'm not talking about simply hearing that there is a difference. I'm talking about being able to identify the differences clearly enough to name the amp, blindfolded. And all the guys in the shop could do it with repeatable accuracy, so I don't go with this "golden ear" idea at all. In fact, I wonder why so many people doubt their hearing so much.

But anyway, what I want to point out is that there are clear audible differences between many products of all types, and that normal people are quite capable of hearing these differences on a decent resolution audio system. No blindfold required. Some things may not have much difference or even any hearable difference, but most do. If this was not the case, then people wouldn't be buying different things. There is no way in the world that anyone is going to convince me that the entire audiophile population is "hypnotized" into buying all different kinds of gear, claiming it sounds different when it didn't. That premise is totally ludicrous. I cannot even believe that anyone would propound such an idea.

Again, I think it comes down to a financial rationalization being made when people don't want to spend huge sums of money on cables or other audio gear. I don't have the most expensive pieces anywhere in my system. I can't afford them. But I don't run around telling everybody that I can't hear the difference between my system and a $200k system. I just have made a financial decision on the items I have and am satisfied that I have gotten the best for my money. Maybe my system may sound better to me than some other more costly systems, and maybe not. But they sound different.

I do abhor buying products simply on the premise that "if they cost more they must be better". I don't subscribe to that theory at all. I think that is just as bad as saying that there is no difference in sound, because they are both fallacious. In my mind, the products that come closest to sounding the best, at the most reasonable prices, are the good value products and that is where I try to spend my money. I use my ears, and sometimes, yes, I even will use certain technical specifications in my decision making.

In the end it is the user that has to live with his decisions. If they are happy with the sound, then that is all that matters, regardless of the methods they used to come to the final selection. After all, this is audio, and the sound is what matters.
The person who wrote and those who agree with the writer simply can't accept why interconnect sound different. Aside from being ignorant about why the interconnect sound different, they want to see "the real science" behind the cable making. Obviously if the manufacuture expose the truth then no one who buy their cable any more. It's not because there is no explanation of why the designer choose what they did. If you know how to copy a $3000 interconnect and make one for $200 then these inventors will be starving. If you notice, some manufacture like NBS and Electric glide choose not to speak about technical terms about their product for the people like Redbeard to argue with them about science behind the cable making.
I do many friends like Redbeard and I'm sick and tire of put up with them regarding to this topic.

My last word to them is: If you think things are that simple, please make a cable and prove me wrong. Suddenly, the whole room became silence.

These people will go on are argue about why all the equipment should use XLR then there would be no difference in sound with different interconnects.

Redbeard is just bored and trying to pick a fight. Stop this stupid thread already
Dandreescu: The problem with your approach, if I understand it, is that you won't be avoiding the placebo effect. You'll be listening to two cables that you know are different, even if you don't know which is which. So if they sound different, it MIGHT be because they really are, or it might be because your brain is overriding your ears (which happens frequently, despite the protestations of some). If you do notice a difference, have a neutral observer play one or the other at random, and see if you can guess which one is playing. If you can guess correctly 8 out of 10 times, they probably really do sound different. Otherwise, it's likely all in your head.
i find it strange that people claim there is no difference between different types/brands of speaker and IC cables. i consider myself new to the hobby, and the most noticeable change in sound on my system came from, in this order: 1) speaker; 2) amp 3) cables 4) preamp 5) NOS tubes 6) upgraded CD player