PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.
Well, I updated to the new firmware.

My description is..., "its alive".

Awesome upgrade!
To be hones,t I thought the previous firmware was slightly restricted in the upper end. With this new firmware there is so much more air in the upper frequencies and the soundstage increased greatly.
Truly a very big update in my opinion.

Kana813, there is still some hiss if I place my ear to the speaker, but nothing harmful in actual listening. I never had a mute problem.

You can ask PS Audio this question my going to their site and posing it on the DS DAC forum.
All the guys out our way with a direct-stream have tried the new Firmware and believe its a definite step up.

I have not been very active of late in commenting on audio,a bit sticky. But, I must say that I own both Ps audio direct stream and the new Ear dac 4. Well, I hear them side by side on a daily basis, they are both magnificent dacs.Mr Tim Paravincini is in my opinion a masterful designer in his own right. it is very difficult for me to decide which dac to keep. both operate on an extreme level. One is tube & one is not, but, both of very high order. I have found, in my more than thirty five years of experience in high end audio, that it is relative easy to get caught up, knowingly or unknowingly in the press hype. The press has a very subtle and dynamic influence upon the audio community, sort of like a home team, the reviewers being the star players, choose. but I trust my own ears more than anyone else on planet earth. one audiophile confided to me that he trust a certain dealers ear more then his own. I simply won't comment on that one, you decide. I have no desire to start a controversy, I won't respond to questions, simply stating my perspective. my hats of to both Mr Ps audio and Mr EAR (Paul & Tim) Both masters of the craft. Cheers AudioEzra.