PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.
A retailer out our way has a Direct-Stream on their reference system. I have heard one on another system and thought it pretty good - so good there is a GTG in the works to compare it to my favorite DAC called a Killer.

I don't know why but on the retailers system it never grabbed me and a number of other knowledgeable listeners. Some loved it but others - not so impressed.

Well yesterday went down to hear it again. This time much better - what changed - evidently the person that runs the place, who I know very well, built his own music server powered by a linear supply. For some reason that did the trick - before it was sort of tinny, unatural with forced detail. Now it sounds much more real and natural. Still on the detail side of things though rather than musicality.

Anyway thought I would pass it on - other may like to experiment with linear supplies on the source they are using.

Bhobba, Do you know if the retailer installed the latest firmware?
If not, you did not hear it at its finest.
Hi Ozzy

Yes it had the latest firmware etc. It was well run in. The only difference was the server.

But I have to also say that reference system is ultra revealing - its more revealing than my current system which is pretty revealing. I heard the DS, not with the latest upgrades etc on another system and it was much better - although at that time IMHO not really any better than the PW he had before. Since then it improved greatly with run in and firmware upgrades.

With the new server I can affirm its every bit as good as the aficionados say it is - just not my bag - I prefer my DAC's more along the musical side of things. But that's simply personal preference.

Just finished an extended listening session with the PS Audio DSD after installing 2 AMR MK2 fuses. Simply one of the finest dacs I have ever heard. Bravo PS Audio I really believe they deserve a huge congratulations!!!!

I have heard the $90K CH Precision dac (albeit not in the same system) coupled with more expensive gear and it can NOT touch what I listened to today. PS Audio DSD feeding an ifi iTube into a Graaf GM 400 powering a pair of Eggleston Savoys... You had to be there :)