Electrocompaniet vs. Resolution Audio

Am considering these players (can get both at same price) or alternatively a Sony Es777 sacd player. Any views on the subject?
Audition a Cary CD303, you may like it as well or better than either of the above for less money. I love mine. I compared the 303 directly to a CD 55 and bought the Cary.
I have not heard the CD55. I have owned the Cary 303 and it is very good but in my system the EMC-1 had a better tonality with a transparency that the Cary could not quite match. Clarity, detail and a cleaner sound came from the EMC-1 vs the Cary 303.
I haven't auditioned the EMC-1, but I would guess it and the Cary are closer in sound to each other than either are to the Resolution cdp. The CD 55 was an excellent player, but I ultimately found it to be a little "cooler" than I preferred. Tonality is key. I listen to a lot of classical and acoustic music (jazz, folk) as well as rock, so timbre and tone are paramount in my book. From all the praise it's received, I'm sure the Electrcompaniet is a wonderful player. However, for about half of what I'd have to spend on the EMC-1, I think the Cary more than holds its own in my tubes/ss system.