RadioShack outlets VS. Panamax.

I've recently realized that Panamax1500 filter that I currently have in my system nearly does nothing in terms of neither protection of the components nor noise isolation.
Get rid of the panamax asap...
Panamax is ok for video applications and computers...not for your gear! For your system.. go for the ps audio ultimate outlets or just the replacement grade outlets. Actually, I have had decent results with a monster hts 3500 for noise reduction...although my amps are plugged directly into the wall on a dedicated circuit. Replace the wall outlets with something decent... and try a ps audio juice bar for the rest of the stuff...Good Luck!
FWIW, you can get a decent price for your Panamax on Ebay. Around here, not sure what the demand is.
I kind-of did not complete my question since I was in the middle of doing something else but I admit Audioman's answer is pretty obvious and correct.
For now I can't stretch the budget for PS300 or PS600 units and realy need something more affordable. I'm in the process of re-arranging my amps for dedicated 220V line that will be used with locking receptacles. In fact ALL my power cords should have a locking receptackles since I have an issue that my little boy likes to unplug them.
What about hospital grade filters or simply surge protectors? What about RadioShack ones?
Forget the PS Audio stuff. You see tons of them on the used market for a reason. Get an Audio Magic Stealth Purifier. I own one, and love it. Better than the Shunyata, the PS Audio 300 and 600, and.the Panamax, Infact, it's better than anything out there. And it's affordable. I did my homework on this baby. You can get(the small) one for just your digital stuff, or the big one for everything. Just plug it into the wall. Put a hospital grade outlet there, and you're done. Home depot: $15.