Get rid of the panamax asap...
Panamax is ok for video applications and computers...not for your gear! For your system.. go for the ps audio ultimate outlets or just the replacement grade outlets. Actually, I have had decent results with a monster hts 3500 for noise reduction...although my amps are plugged directly into the wall on a dedicated circuit. Replace the wall outlets with something decent... and try a ps audio juice bar for the rest of the stuff...Good Luck!
Panamax is ok for video applications and computers...not for your gear! For your system.. go for the ps audio ultimate outlets or just the replacement grade outlets. Actually, I have had decent results with a monster hts 3500 for noise reduction...although my amps are plugged directly into the wall on a dedicated circuit. Replace the wall outlets with something decent... and try a ps audio juice bar for the rest of the stuff...Good Luck!