Ok, cables are components, y'know, like a rug, or a pillow propped up on a sofa narrowing a sidewall flare. So yes, if a damned wire is as important as a transducer, than so are room treatment apparati, for example. Asa, I can't help but think that semantics issues are just becoming vehicles for highly sophisticated passive aggression.
So I took your damned bait!
And oh, is the digital equalizer that's needed to reflatten the VERY high-ender's speakers' in-room response after being trampolined by high output impedence tubes a component too?
Given what I experience spatially with Aleph P and Aleph 2 monos pushing my arsifal Encores, are you really sure that
my system's deep and palpable sounstage (extends 15-20' BEYOND the speaker plane (this is predominantly due to nearfield geometry using EXTREMELY matched drivers, BTW, and LESS the quality of amplification) is somehow compromised because it's solid-state?
Yes, tubes are great with harmonic TEXTURE (at the expense of amplitude response flatness), and have a TON of compression built into them, so they don't overload harshly
with those ultrashort huge transients we surmise are doing in ALL solid state systems, eh? Talk about absolutist statements, Asa. I oscillate between suggesting that you shame yourself by being self-blind of aspersions you cast that are pure projection...and suggesting from fatigue after wading through the monologues that we just turn the thread off! I sincerely DON'T want to hurt your feelings, here, NOR insult you, and I willingly admit that my human foibles perhaps run deeper or wider than yours. But please, try to wear life like a loose coat, 0k?
Good Night. Ern
So I took your damned bait!
And oh, is the digital equalizer that's needed to reflatten the VERY high-ender's speakers' in-room response after being trampolined by high output impedence tubes a component too?
Given what I experience spatially with Aleph P and Aleph 2 monos pushing my arsifal Encores, are you really sure that
my system's deep and palpable sounstage (extends 15-20' BEYOND the speaker plane (this is predominantly due to nearfield geometry using EXTREMELY matched drivers, BTW, and LESS the quality of amplification) is somehow compromised because it's solid-state?
Yes, tubes are great with harmonic TEXTURE (at the expense of amplitude response flatness), and have a TON of compression built into them, so they don't overload harshly
with those ultrashort huge transients we surmise are doing in ALL solid state systems, eh? Talk about absolutist statements, Asa. I oscillate between suggesting that you shame yourself by being self-blind of aspersions you cast that are pure projection...and suggesting from fatigue after wading through the monologues that we just turn the thread off! I sincerely DON'T want to hurt your feelings, here, NOR insult you, and I willingly admit that my human foibles perhaps run deeper or wider than yours. But please, try to wear life like a loose coat, 0k?
Good Night. Ern