Best Tubes For Cal Alpha DAC

I'm looking to replace the tubes in my Cal Alpha DAC. Any suggestions?
thanks for your time
Hi Greg...I also have an Alpha. I've tried several NOS tubes and like the Mullard CV4004s the best. I was actually going to sell the Alpha until I heard these tubes. It now is a 'perfect fit' in my second system. They improved soundstaging, brought out more detail and just made the music sound a little more 'analog-like' as compared to the others. BTW...these are also the tubes that Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio recommends for this unit. Good luck in your search!
I tried the Mullard and another tube from Kevin. I prefer the Sovtek's mentioned above. Then again, there is QUITE a bit of personal preference and system synergy to take into account here, so obviously opinions will vary. Sean
The Mullard is the fav...but it's all synergy. We have retubed a lot of those. The Mullard was the fav...then there was a burst of Brimar buyers....but some folks felt the brimar were too the pendulum swung back to Mullard.

If you want more sparkle, try the GE long and a very well made tube. Creamy and fat? Try the early 1961 vintage Sylvania (which sound nothing like the later Sylvania). Both are about $20.

PS - my recommendations are based on feedback...I don't sell cal Audio...I do know that people had called there years ago and the Mullard is what the factory was sending them to us for.