help with DAC w/current system

I've never used an outboard DAC before, but have a chance at a killer deal on a Classe DAC-1 (Stereophile class A, $4000 retail). I currently have a Rega Planet CD player with a nice Classe amp and B&W speakers. Does anyone know what and how much of an effect a DAC like this would have on a system of this caliber? Any ideas would be appreciated.
What about a newer DAC, such as the MSB link III w/upsampling and all the goodies? Would the upsampling, HDCD, and future upgradeability be a better value in the long run?
I guess Audioguy that would be a decision you would have to make. With the format wars on going one should tread lightly until something is finalized. My dac has hdcd but I don't see that many discs with hdcd on the label. With the msb at least there is the upgradeability you mentioned.
With all respects for Audioguy3107 and his suggestion of the MSB Link Dac 111. The Link Dac 111 will not hold a candle to the sound quality of the (20 Bit non upgradable) Classe Dac 1. If you can get a good deal on the Classe Dac 1 by all means go for it. The Classe is a very musical sounding Dac and will integrate well with your system. As stated by Onhwy the digital cable you choose will play a big part for the sound quality with the Classe Dac 1.
I agree with Mikec, I also believe that when you play music that you know well, you will be surprised at some details you will hear that you never heard before (IMHO). Good Luck, let us know what you decide to do, and how it sounds if you make the purchase.
Based on my experience, most ot the newer 24 bit dacs are much better, then any of the older 20 bits converters. This holds true even for the modestly priced 24 bit dacs, like a modified MSB Link. (Assuming that it has a modified output section ,like a Stan Warren mod, which is only a couple hundred dollars). I hold Classe products in very high regard, but if this particular Classe does not have 24bit converters, you can probably do better. The newer 24 bit dacs are that good! Ever wondered why so many 20 bit Theta's and Levinson's are now dirt cheap on the used market?