Used Classe CDP 0.3 or new Music Hall CD25?

I listen to all types of music. Rest of system is Classe DR6 preamp, B&K EX4420 amp, Paradigm Studio 60v2 speakers, LAT 100 interconnects and LAT biwire.

Listening is not an option, I have no nearby dealers in my area.

The reviews I've seen about the Classe have been lukewarm -- OK, but no outright raves.

The larger questions is interesting. For the same price range, is it better to buy a current player or a high-quality player with a few years on it? DACs and DSPs continue to evolve, but I'm not sure how quickly the state of the art changes. As another example, would a Theta Miles best, say, a modded Jolida J100 or tricked-out Njoe Tjoeb 4000 or Music Hall CD25?

I'm facing a CD upgrade, and I'm in the same boat. Please let us know how you decide.


my comment about the music hall cd-25 is really based soley on political reasons. Just becuase my country gives China favorite nation status does not mean I will by products from their, or other countries as well. I believe that there are other factors involved than purchasing any product, even a t-shirt, but that is just my opinion.

As far as the product goes, I have no idea how it sounds because unless one of my friends has one I would never go out of my way to listen to it.
Guys, I found a Classe CDP 1.5 with philips transport for $100 more than I was willing to pay for .3 right here on the 'gon. It should be here next week. I will let you know how it works out.

That is exactly the problem- you should never base ANYTHING in an audio forum on political reasons! You admit it yourself. That is why it is dangerous to make comments like that, especially with all the current events around the world today. The least we need now, is an even more divided world. Learning to put aside political, religious and discriminatory statements makes discussion much more positive and educational in an audio forum. I know you do not mean bad, but whether we agree or disagree about politics, religion etc, in the audio world there is no discrimination based on such. The criteria should be on the quality, design, and merit of the products.

I do not endorse Music Hall and actually prefer Classe between the two, but never would I ever be caught making discriminatory or political statements- there are other forums for this type of opinion. Enough said.

Happy Listening!

I think it's fine for Bianchi to say here that he doesn't buy from China for political reasons. For many of us, next to our houses and cars, our audio system is our largest purchase, so a reasonable place to make an politcal/economic statement.

It's not "discriminatory" to suggest, for example, that many Chinese work in conditions most of us would consider horrendous.

On the other hand, next time Bianchi will probably realize that "nuff said" doesn't quite say enough!