What do you use to burn in cables???

interconnects, PC, speaker cables,...etc. Are there devices out there specifically designed for this purpose. Please advise.
I just bought a pair of ic's and i took them over to my Grandparents' home. They have satellite and the TV is on for most of the day. I had previously hooked the S-Video to the satellite receiver and I am using the audio connection to burn in a pair of RCA's.

Satellite sounds kinda good, too....not that they the can hear the differance, what with the volumn way up at full volumn day, after day, after day, after.........
If you only use Music I use U2's NY on repeat for about 7 days while I am not in the house.

I have read using Pink Noise is not a good idea!
Just music. If have learned that some cables can sound worse with a burner. My Pure Notes, Siltechs, and even my old Valhallas took forever to come back after use with the AudioDharama cooker. And less than 24 hours cooking. I think Bob Crump and Steve Nugent will back me up on this one.