Are Virtual dynamics speaker cables worth the $$$

I've heard a lot of positive resonses about the Virtual Dynamics Power Cords and IC's. I was wondering if anyone has tried any of their speaker cables. If so, which model and what did you think? I'm currently using Monster 2.4's which aren't bad but I think there's better out there.
Looking for any suggestions.
I recently had VD Nite PC, SC and IC. I sold all of them and purchased Signal Cable wires. There is NO difference in the performance of these cables! I have Cary Audio CD player and integrataed tube amplification and Paradigm Studio 100 speakers. While I like the VD Nite cables, they are WAY over priced. I sold all of my VD cables and purchased two PCs, one IC and 9 feet of doulbe bi-wired SC for $400! I found the Signal Cables to perform just as well as the VD.
I have a 10' biwire set of their Audition cables. Terminated with banana plugs. I find the cable generally good in many respects but these are my major faults in them:
Too much bass emphasis and too much treble roll off. If you were looking to tune your system with a set of cables this might be your answer. I also have a single run of Harmonic Technology Pro-11 speaker cable. I find the balance of frequencies and soundstaging better with this cable. As to the price of it all, only you can decide.
Let me retract that last statement. I put the VD biwire Auditions back in and much prefer them to the HT Pro-11. Much less grain. I do think the HT's image a little better but not by much.