Is the Ortofon Kontrapunkt A compatible with MMF-7

The tonearm is a Project Nine.
I had an inexpensive Ortofon on a Technics back in the early eighties and was quite impressed with it. I'm getting an itch to try the Kontrapunkt on the 7 but am unsure of its compatibility. Thanks
>>However I also understand the idea that most people would probably not put a $600 cartridge on a $1000 TT.<<

You already know the truth, your MMF-7 is a very basic turntable that anything above a $90 mm cartridge is a waste of money. Unfortunately you have neither the arm nor the table to truly benefit from a high end cartridge.
Dkarmeli, how can you say that? The MMF7 stock comes with a Goldring Eroica, a $400 cartridge. Don't diss the table. It's a fine unit, hardly a basic TT. Not the best of the best, certainly, but pretty good.
Eh, I'm not too sure about this. I used to have the mmf7. Just sold it last month. knowing what I know now, there is no way I would invest in a $600 cartridge for the mmf7. No way.
That said. If you have $600 you are willing to invest. I would sell the mmf7 and add you $600 to your funds to buy a better TT. I sold mine, and added $450 to step up. I would never look back. Has to be one of the best things I did.
Hammergjh, I was being kind calling the mmf7 basic, crap is what I really wanted to say. I wonder what you've been listening to if you call the mmf-7 fine and pretty good. But then again, to each his own!