resolution audio

Has anybody heard this cd player? If so, how does it compare to the Mark Levinson 39 player. Thanks
I have owned both the Levinson 39 and both models of Res Audio. They are all great but the CD 50 is still my reference player.
I have not heard the Levinson 39 but I did compare the CD50 and CD55 extensively with each other. I also compared these against a Meridan 506.24, a Thule balanced CD (150 ?)and separates consisting of a Rotel tranport and a Sonic Frontiers tube DAC. The Resolutions easily beat the competion with the Thule coming in the closest. I ultimately preferred the CD55 over the CD50 - a more refined sound and slightly better soundstage (it has upsampling, the CD50 does not). I kept the CD55. The CD50 and CD55 are unbeatable for the price.
Streetdaddy, if the CD50 does not sound too laid-back for you the best upgrade is to remove the feet (which just unscrew from the bottom) and place four small E-A-R polymer feet under it. This will be more even-handed than cones. I only mention cones if you need the greater immediacy. If you want more immediacy then there are plenty of decent cones to try, like the Walkers, DH Super Cones and Black Diamond Racing. Doug, I never had the 508-24 and the CD50 at the same time, but I have had them in the same system for months at a time each. I know I like the CD50 a lot better. The 508-24 still has some of the ringing of the 508-20 which causes a sheen or glaze to the upper midrange that reduces presence and resolution. Overall it is also less neutral and natural in its presentation than the CD50. In contrast to the 508-24, the CD50 is wonderfully open and natural through all of the midrange. The improvement from the 508-20 to the 508-24 is in the right direction, but not as good as the CD50. The CD50 has a much better balanced bass, with more extension than the 508-24 also. The CD55 is a little less warm and laid-back, has better resolution, but through being more refined it does not mean it is any less smooth than the CD50.
I think someone said that Parts Connection div. of Sonic Frontiers has them available? Confirmation anyone?