Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?

Have read some of the previous posts. Just wanted updates , as more people now seem to use it. Also anyone who has one in the NYC area please Email me. Thanks.
Twl, we don't agree on much, but the Con. BD2a integrated unit was very good. The Armstrong receiver I mentioned pre-dated the 626. It was a smaller unit that looked like a table radio. Rolled off in the bass and upper treble, very nice midrange. Many years later when I went back to the store that carried the Armstrong and told them I wanted one, they sold me a Mission Cyrus One integrated amp. Also a very good buy, a passive preamp combined with a high current amp section. Very nice phono preamp. Again, rolled-off bass and upper treble, but very good midrange. I still have the Cyrus One, though dont use it for anything at the moment.

Yes. Couldn't be without it. I didn't make a cable change for over a year, and then two in two months. A day on the Cooker, and it was done.
Quote: "The quality of the thoughts expressed on this and other topics by the person who advocates the cable cooker above, in this and other forums, inclines me to believe that you would be wasting your money on such a device. Moreover, my friends in the industry opine that there is no scientific basis for believing that such a device would have any beneficial effect. If you like the stories people tell, go ahead and buy one, and have fun."

There's no direct experience, references or sources mentioned in this quote. What is its value, if any?

Cable cooking improves cheap cables to the point they are very close to expensive ones. I have done A/B comparisons on the same cable cooked by Sean and uncooked. The results were nothing short of stunning on two brands: Phoenix Gold and RCA. My Phoenix Gold Digital cable also showed *remarkable* improvement.
Well Paul, i guess when you can't hear the difference between an amp from NAD, Rotel, B&K, etc... and an amp from Threshold / Pass, Boulder, Rowland, Electron Kinetics, etc.., it wouldn't make sense to put money into cables or tweaks of ANY type. Since some of you might not know what i'm referring to, take a look at this thread and consider the source for yourself.

Other than that, why do you bother to lurk / read forums like this if that is your attitude ? If you have such a problem with comments / information that i post, why not join in and offer a contrasting point of view ? After all, if you have enough knowledge & experience to be able to discern errors in my posts or knowingly disagree with what i had to say, you should be able to put those thoughts and ideas into words / posts that might help others that i would otherwise be leading astray. Right ???

C'mon Paul. Come out and play. Snipers / hit & run drivers are no fun : ) Sean
Under what periods of unuse do cables de-cook, or are the benefits persistant?