Graham 2.2 tonearm cables

Can anyone who has owned a Graham 2.2 tonearm and has experience with different arm-to-phono stage cables share their experience, please? I am wondering how the Graham IC-50 compares to the IC-70 and what other brand of cables might offer an improvement over these two cables. Thanks in advance.
Speedy, I have van den Hul internal silver wiring and Cardas cartridge links in my tonearm. I don't know what Graham uses for internal wiring (Cardas maybe?) but I'm sure it's good. Where do you live? The reason I ask is if there's no Purist dealer in your area, maybe I could call Kimberly Aud on your behalf and she could send you a set to try if you gave her a decent deposit (especially if two of you are interested!) You'd have to keep in mind though that the cables would probably be new (not broken in).

You can read a comprehensive review of all the Venustas at:

which should be of special interest to you because (I just remembered!) the reviewer swapped a set of Venustas phono cables for the ones that came with his Graham arm!!
Hi Speedy:: The subject on phono cable ( like many other issues. ) is a hard choice. There are no rules. Here the only rule is “ our ears and sound bias “.
When we are talking about those kind of cables like: Cardas, XLO, Vetustas, Nordost, Audioquest, Analysis Plus, Graham, Discovery, Harmonic Technologies, etc...; every one is really a good cable, which is best for you: it is very hard to say and only you have that answer.

Why you don't like what you already have? or you only want to try something different. This issue is very important for to know what we are looking for.

We have to remember her that the Nsgarch audio system and his own music bias ( like mine ) are different from yours.

Like I already post here, I own severals differents phono cables that I already tested: time to time I try again all of them and always return to the Analysis Plus and Kimber Kable.

My priorities about music reproduction goes better with these two cables: neutral/natural, timbre, tonal balance and dynamics. I like the cables that don't tell me " I'm here ".

Unfortunatelly for all of us we have to try differents cables for to know which one is for us, there is no other solution about.

It is not an easy task because a new phono cable needs severals working hours for the " burn-in ", and from here we need severals days for to know and understand exactly what the cable is doing about the sound reproduction and if it is ok with me.

So, it is a risk that we have to take. I can't remember ( maybe someone can help us ) but there is a company that handle differents cable company lines and where you can try for 30 days and if you don't like it you can return and ask for your money. Here we have to remember that the price of a cable don't tell me nothing about its sound and the synergy with my audio system, the price only tell me if it is an expensive one or not to expensive.

Sorry Sirspeedy that I can't be more specific trying to help you.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Nsgarsh,I've read that review and the cable comparison was the ic-30 not the ic-70.Also It's very nice of you to make me that offer,but as of now I'm still in the pondering stage.However my interest in the Purist stuff is real,and may become reality,once I've decided whether to stay with my pivot or try a linear tracker.RAUL,thank you for your thoughtful feedback.I never said I was not happy with my current cabl.I just happen to be aware of the Purist arm cable,as a possible leader in this area.Thank you for you feedback.