Are Nordost really the Rolls Royce of cables?

Ive never heard them. Thanks.
Deshapiro, Sorry about that. Brain moving faster than my fingers on the keyboard.
Tekunda- Excellent post! couldn't have said it better myself, nice job.

Your recent post was most insightful. You so succintly stated what these cables do and not that I could almost imagine the effect they would have in my system. Very well stated.

Sean - Here are some exerpts from the Stereophile Nov 2001 review:

"It was immediately apparent that the Valhalla (IC's)had a slight but distinct tonal signature." and "the slight lack of warmth and weight, combined with the air and treble extension, did give the Valhallas a distinct character".

They were short of calling them the very best, instead calling them "some of the very best". They did call them sensational.