Neurotic you say?!?!?
I resemble that remark!
I'm still away, will be home late tonight and have to work all day tomorrow and Friday to pay for my holiday.
The Aesthetix will come when Jon contacts me and lets me know it's in, properly burned in, and ready to borrow. If anyone wants to check with Jon to see where that process is, be my guest. I don't want to bother him. I'm sure he will contact me when it's ready.
As to the topic of burn in I can only say this. I don't know how long each unit takes to burn in, nor do I 100% understand it. But I know it matters and it makes the unit sound better. I am relying on those that own each unit to advise me as to how long a reliable burn in time is. It sounds like 700h for the Aeris and 500 for the DirectStream. It simply is what it is and I endeavor to give each the best chance I can. I do agree that, although additional time on top of the usual burn in time may allow the unit to continue to mature, there is a point at which it's negative virtues have abated and it's true personality has emerged. After that, it sounds the same essentially but just gets better. So I will use the 700/500 target times.
Mrmb said it best. Regarding tubes, I rely on the manufacturers to pick a solid performer and leave tube rolling until after I buy the unit. The Big 6 is sold and someone else is enjoying its wonderful attributes. I will try the Aesthetix in its stock configuration. Nuff said.
I'll try to get an update to you as soon as I can.
I resemble that remark!
I'm still away, will be home late tonight and have to work all day tomorrow and Friday to pay for my holiday.
The Aesthetix will come when Jon contacts me and lets me know it's in, properly burned in, and ready to borrow. If anyone wants to check with Jon to see where that process is, be my guest. I don't want to bother him. I'm sure he will contact me when it's ready.
As to the topic of burn in I can only say this. I don't know how long each unit takes to burn in, nor do I 100% understand it. But I know it matters and it makes the unit sound better. I am relying on those that own each unit to advise me as to how long a reliable burn in time is. It sounds like 700h for the Aeris and 500 for the DirectStream. It simply is what it is and I endeavor to give each the best chance I can. I do agree that, although additional time on top of the usual burn in time may allow the unit to continue to mature, there is a point at which it's negative virtues have abated and it's true personality has emerged. After that, it sounds the same essentially but just gets better. So I will use the 700/500 target times.
Mrmb said it best. Regarding tubes, I rely on the manufacturers to pick a solid performer and leave tube rolling until after I buy the unit. The Big 6 is sold and someone else is enjoying its wonderful attributes. I will try the Aesthetix in its stock configuration. Nuff said.
I'll try to get an update to you as soon as I can.