I have gone to Radio Shack and other shops, but no one seems to have a clue what I am asking. I have video processor (Cal Labs) that has 5 BNC outs. My projector has 5 RCA ins. Now, the cable I have is BNC to BNC, does anyone make an adaptor to go from BNC to MALE RCA?

Please help? Until I have one BUILT to specs, I would like to buy an inexpensive adapter (radio shack quality would be fine) but can't locate one????

Am I looking for something that does exsist?

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
Get a female BNC, a male RCA, 2 paper clips, some twine, super glue, an alligator clip, 3 feet of coaxial cable, a one pound roll of solder, asbestos gloves, a welders mask, steel toed shoes, and a propane torch. You'll need a full bottle of propane.

Once you have assembled the required materials, contact me and I will give you instructions on how to proceed.

Or try Radio Shack

RCA® Male to BNC Female Adapter
Reg. Price $1.79 Brand: Sandmartin
Cat.#: 910-0494
Model: B162
RCA® Plus to BNC Jack Adapter

try this link to radio shack
BNC to RCA is wired this way:
BNC pin RCA pin
1 ground ring
2 pin
3 no connect
Some people think I will lose something by using an adapter. Is this true to the naked eye? Your experiences?

If you are afraid about quality of using an adapter, then take it to a tech and have the BNCs replaced with high quality OFC RCAs.