Help Me With Everything Needed: Computer Audio

I'm ready to set up a computer audio to stream music from my favorite websites. I'll do ripping and storage later on.

I want to try and stay around $2k for everything and connect it to my stereo rig.

My audio setup is:
Amplifier: Cary A-306(Class D)
Preamplifier: Classe CP 35
Speakers: Mirage OMD-28
Sources: Krell SACD Standard Mk3, Jolida JD 100 modified, Don Allen Marantz Changer

I've done a little research. I'm thinking to get a laptop or Mac Mini--whichever is less complex.

I'm thinking of the mhdt Havana DAC

Can you suggest a reasonably (think good but inexpensive) cable. Which is best, glass toslink, usb or other---I don't know all the jargon...

Please tell me everything I need to purchase to hook it up to my stereo rig.
If all you are going to do is stream radio, then just get one box internet radio?
I'm unsure of what computer to get, although I mentioned the mac mini and/or a laptop. Any suggestions? I'm only considering the Havana as the DAC, though. I haven't made a decision on a good (inexpensive)digital cable of some kind either.

I'm stil open to suggestions on all three:

2. DAC
3. Digital cable

is the right usb cable called "usb a-b"

Onhwy61, later I plan to get storage and rip cd's, so no interest in internet radio. I mentioned that in the original post.
see my setup....real simple and sonically satisfying (how the computer end is structured)
Any additional recommendations?

1. Laptop (I don't know)
2. DAC (I'm thinking mhdt Havana or maybe Valab- leaning toward NOS)
2. Digital Cable (I'm thinking Wireworld Starlight a-b usb)

I'll get storage and rip later. Right now just want to stream from websites. Come on you veterans! Help out someone who is new to computer audio!
You could take a look at my secondary system. Instead of the SBT, connect a mac mini or macbook and you're all set. The SBT is better for internet radio as you have access to the Linn stations (320 kbps) and it's less $ than a computer.
On the mac mini used for my main system, I just use a stock USB cable to connect to the DAC. The main system sounds better, but I'm happy listening to either setup