My VPI Scout has arrived

After finding a little rock encrusted on the side of the box, I started sweating.....

But VPI packs the TT's very well, and no damage whatsoever, but to the foam.

Its a breeze to setup, and mine was up to spec pretty quick.

I am very very happy with this TT,,,,,its just quite an eye opener how good these things sound...I do get a jolt of static after I remove about teh 3rd LP....Is a rubber mat the only solution?

Here are a couple of pics: First LP's played were Richard Thompson's This Old Kit Bag and Mock Tudor...
The cart is the Dynavector DV-X20...

a couple of pics:
To my own shame, I still dont have an LP cleaner,,,,a VPI 16.5 is in the near future plans! But i do clean them before I play,,,that dust just snuck in on me!
If you need something cheap just get the record doctor 2, I think around $200. It does the same thing as the 16.5 but you have to do a little more work yourself. I have one, each record takes me about about 25 seconds to clean. Just as efective also. I'm sure others will argue but it sucks just like the others.
Congrats on the Scout! Had a Music Hall MMF7 and found the upgrade to the Scout well worth the price. I've tried both felt and rubber mats, but have gone back to using nothing on the Scout. Just sounds better that way IMHO. Am using Cardas ICs into the phono stage of my pre and have a Grado Sonata cartridge. Have not had any trouble with static. Anyone have any suggestions about a good MC cartridge to move me beyond the Grado?
Anyone running a Dynavector or Benz cart on their Scout? If so which one and if you moved up in that line what benefits did you get?

Like Dmcneilly's post above I'm looking a getting a new cartridge for my Scout and seem to keep coming back to a DV or Benz. Preferences are tonal balance, detail, soundstage and dynamics.