Advantage of Rega Motor Upgrade

I am wondering if it would be worth my while to upgrade the motor on my Planar 2.This is for two reasons, I have tweaked the speed so my table now runs at 331/3 rpm and not fast like many Rega tables and I am using power condtioning which I believe would improve the speed stability.Am I going to notice that much of a difference with a P2/P3 upgrade and is there any real advantage over the old motor?
According to the reviews/explanations, the advantage is physical. The new motor system reduces vibration from the motor, which can consequently be bolted directly to the 'table, having orientation/stability/speed advantages. Based on the theory, anyway, it should be an appreciable increase in sound quality, even with your power conditioning.
I did this upgrade to my Planar 2 yesterday. I was shocked, shocked I tell you (no, really, joke aside), that the new motor made so much difference.

All I can figure is that the rubber-band suspended motor on the Planar 2 was making micro-movements all the time. I didn't hear any flutter, not even on piano music, but something was happening. Because changing the motor made a very noticable sonic improvement in the TT.

I haven't done extensive testing yet today, but I don't think the table is running out of speed either. As I say, I felt that my Planar 2 was running just fine before the motor change too. I was very doubtful about the need for doing it.

Before I decided to do the up grade, I tried putting some foam dampening on 4- sides of the old motor to see if I could stablize it. Thinking maybe I didn't need the upgrade. But this didn't help at all, in fact it made the table run slow and it was noisey. The new motor runs very silently, and with virtually no vibration. The new motor is simply held in place with a 2 mm (aprox) thick double sided adhesive foam pad.

I think, especially with your power conditioning, that you'd be happy with improvement and feel it's well worth the $150.

Go for it.
I forgot to mention that I have damped the motor, and I did this by getting 1/2 inch width lengths of "rope" elastic rubber from a rubber store,gluing a length together with a powerful rubber adhesive called "Loctite" making a ring.I then snugly fit one at the top and one at the bottom of the Rega motor avoiding the wiring.It is super quiet I cannot hear any noise and it did not effect the way the motor runs,I am right on speed at 331/3 rpm.There is another mod for the motor sold through English ebay.It is called the bearing mod and you drill a hole in the Rega motor bottom plate to fit a brass well in which sits a ball-bearing.The motor spindle the runs on tp of the ball-bearing yielding added stability and quietness and less wear.These are alternatives to getting the upgrade,you could try the rubber mod on the new motor though for added damping as it is now attached to the plinth,no harm in trying one ring around the bottom of the motor at least.You can make a rubber ring for the edge of the glass platter too.These are sold on English ebay as well.
On this and a recent thread, you seem to want to believe the motor upgrade is not that worthwhile. That's OK; how can anyone but you size up how much of an improvement your tweaks have made? As far as a stock P3 motor compared to a stock Planar 3 motor, it doesn't take careful listening to tell the difference. The improvement is evident as soon as you spin a record.