Sell or keep my Turntable

I have a Rega Planar 3 with RB300 tonearm and Linn K9 cartridge I purchased in 1988. I used it that summer and with a few exceptions it has not seen much use. I just find using CD more convenient. I have 150 records and will probably get back into them at sometime in my life but the Rega just sits boxed in the basement.

I'm contemplating selling it to use the funds in my current system.

Have you sold your TT and later regretted it?

Are current TT's that much better so I should sell the Rega and buy a TT if I happen to get back into vinyl someday?

If I decide to sell the Rega what would be a reasonable asking price?

Thanks - Jack
I'll play your devil's advocate among this crowd. 150 LP's is not exactly a massive collection, though what they mean to you may be an entirely different story. I sold my turntable rig that I'd had and upgraded several times since 1985. I tried and tried and just never got what all the fuss was about. OK, yeah, it sounds marginally more musical than the better digital, but it just wasn't enough for me to go through all the expense and trouble of cleaning, maintenance, pops and clicks, short play-time, etc. My collection is over 400 LP's which I still consider small compared to many I've seen. You can always get a great deal on a table like yours here on A'gon if you decide you just can't live without it. I don't agree that they'll be commanding a high $ amount....there are always good deals to be found if you are patient. Analog (turntable) is of the most esoteric of music playpack systems at this point, and is being relegated to hard-core audiophiles more and more. I don't see that changing any time in the future, any more than I see silver film emulsions making a resurgence over digital even though silver is clearly superior. I don't think it is going to die as a format any time soon either, but I also don't think it will flourish in the mainstream ever again. Precious few new releases are available on LP, and that number will only dwindle with time and as digital closed the gap (and I'm sure it will). The one great aspect of turntable ownerhship is that buying old LP's is oh so much more affordable than new releases on digital (which are a complete rip-off at today's prices). Regardless, if you're not using it, and haven't for some time, I'd say sell it. As Satch suggests; to get an idea of price, just search the current ads.

Back to your LP-loving A'goners. No need for flames, I know mine ain't a popular opinion here. Just one among many....

Marco - I wholly respect your opinion and would never flame you just for being misguided. :-)

Hey, can I unburden you of those LP's that you'll otherwise have to lug around? :-)
Thanks for the charitable restraint 4yanx! Since you ask, I'll take the opportunity to make a shameless ad here since software ads are free anyway: Sure, you or anyone can unburden me of the LP chain around my ankle. As long as I don't have to make a huge list of what's in there I'd sell the whole lot for .50 cents a record + cheap media shipping from Seattle to you. I'd make an actual count of the records of course. Guaranteed to be something for everyone in the lot, but it's a mixed bag and at that price I'll only sell them as a group not one at a time and I ain't making no stinkin' lists. Conditions will vary but I'd guess at least half were in minty shape, and there are certainly some gems. Anyone interested can ping me directly through A'gon.

Before you sell the Rega, why don't you set it up one last time and spin some records for a couple nights, and see how much you still want to sell it afterwards? Maybe you'll decide you want to keep it...maybe not...but why ask us a question that you should really be answering yourself?