Dr. Mr. Bendig, no need to aplogize! Goldmund's power supplies are of poor quality, on par with anything available from Mouser Electronics, let's say for $30 US. I speak from experience. The whole thing with searching for another motor started because my motor was making a lot of noise while starting and a bit less noise when turning. I figured that motor was going, found another motor, paid a lot for it and then decided to troubleshoot the power supply. I found a lot of AC garbage on 24 V DC line. I replaced electrolytics in it (from Radio Shack, $5 total cost, three capacitors) and the noise has completely dissappeared and motor has a lot more torque on start too.
Stylus drag on Goldmund is mentioned also in VPI's article on what they tried to improve on in their TNT tri-pulley system.
My CD player is not the best but pleasing (CAL Tempest II tube unit), I had no chance to compare to expensive ones. In my system Studio/T3 combo sounds (rather, sounded, becuase the arm needs work now) better than any other table I've heard to date in my house and I've heard quite a few: Pink Triangles (many versions), Oracles (many, including Premier), Linn, Mitchell Orbe, EMT, Technics SP-10 Mk II, Voyd etc. I'm using ET-2 arm on it while mine is being worked on and it is not the same. It is a clean and accurate arm, but compare to T3 it does not work with the table sinergistically in the same way as T3 does. The amount of energy that T3 produces is staggering, earthquake bass, and yet sweet. My Studio is an early one with a wooden base and as such has a lot more colorations (or midrange?) than later metacrylate ones. In a way, it is similar to Linn in it's voicing, but better in every respect. Right cartridge is a must, I'm using a Cello variant of Miabi, and it works very well.
I still say (and a lot of people will disagree) but in my home at least the best sound I get is from TV (sacriledge!) (cable) on good broadcast, especially live ones.
Sorry for blabbering. Thanks for help.